Inspiration Award
The Tom Bearson Inspiration Award recognizes a senior on the Sartell High School Boys Basketball Team who completely commits to inspiring his or her peers. The ideal recipient for this award is selfless, team-oriented, and has a positive attitude! Head Boys Basketball Coach Marcus Oistad picks the winner each year.

2020 Inspiration Award Winner
The second winner of the Tom Bearson Inspiration Award is Brady Schmidt! Brady was a team captain this year who only played in one game due to injury (he broke his collarbone twice), yet he was always positive and an incredible inspiration for the team. He is a high-quality person and student who more than fits our award criteria.

2019 Inspiration Award Winner
Patrick Stalboerger is the inaugural winner of the Tom Bearson inspiration award. Patrick has been a devoted member of the Sartell Basketball team during his high school tenure. Patrick is a young man who is highly respected by his teammates for his selfless demeanor, team-first attitude, and his devoted work-ethic. Patrick epitomized our team’s success this season through these characteristics, embracing his role and doing it to the best of his ability. A great attitude, constant smile, and pure joy for the team's success were just a couple of reasons why Patrick was awarded the Tom Bearson Inspiration Award this season!